An 18-year-old 'Twilight' fan whose boyfriend refused to take her to see 'Breaking Dawn' as he had promised ended up driving her car into a ditch in Aurora, Illinois. (Also home to one Wayne Campbell). Olivia Ornelas was determined to get to the movie anyway, and didn't let the lack of a front tire and being "extremely intoxicated" stop her. What did stop her was a ditch, where police officers found her early Saturday morning according to a police report obtained by the Smoking Gun. Ornelas blamed it all on her boyfriend for bailing on their movie date. So these movies do drive you to drink.
Ornelas was released after posting $300 bail. She was "extremely upset with her boyfriend because she did not see the movie 'Twilight' like they were suppose [sic] to," the report reads.
While the 'Twilight' movies do advocate abstinence, they apparently also needed to include a "don't drink and drive" message. We did get at one least driving safety tip from these movies: Parking lots are super dangerous. (See the instructive video, below).
[via THR]
[Photo from 'New Moon': Summit Entertainment]
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