The 'Twilight Saga' has been a seminal experience for Generation Y, so it goes to reason that the films themselves deserve a place in the Smithsonian for all Millennials to see. After all, the Smithsonian's stated vision is to shape "the future by preserving our heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world." Here in 2011, our heritage is 'Twilight'! What from the saga should find itself within the walls of one of the world's most famous museums? Moviefone asked that very question to Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and the rest of the 'Breaking Dawn' cast. Watch above, and imagine a world where your favorite 'Twilight' paraphernalia would actually wind up in a museum. (Fans can dream, no?)
Check back to Moviefone throughout the week for more on 'Breaking Dawn,' including a live-stream of tonight's premiere in Los Angeles, as well as exclusive video interviews with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.
Interviews conducted by Sharon Knolle
RELATED: 'Breaking Dawn' stars cast the '80s version of 'Twilight'
RELATED: 'Twilight' premiere photos through the years
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